Generate Pages That Rank on Thousands of Keywords

Easily create and manage 1000s of pages for your website using Findable’s no-code programmatic SEO (pSEO) solution. Built to rank, SEO-2.0-ready pages with the wave of a wand.

Currently syncing 10,306 pages that rank

Programmatic SEO is the magic used by the world’s biggest brands

pSEO used to take SEO wizards months. With Findable, it takes you a week.

Use our no-code pSEO solution to deploy a tonne of pages as quickly as possible. So you can start ranking faster.

What is Findable?

The SEO wizards at Shopify, Zapier, Canva, and more use pSEO to supercharge their online presence. Findable lets businesses of every size enter the world of pSEO.

By tapping into Findable’s pre-built templates, automations, and tutorials you can start ranking for 1000s of long-tail keywords faster than ever before. Or use Findable’s Concierge service to have the Findable wizards build your entire pSEO campaign for you, from head term discovery to launch.

Get your programmatic SEO campaign started in 3 simple steps


Create a Campaign

Findable templates are built around proven strategies. Choose the template that fits your pSEO goals.


Connect your website

Connect to the site you want to start deploying programmatic pages to with Findable's platform integrations.


Launch and refine

Monitor your pSEO campaign with Findable reports and tools and optimise your content to get more traffic.

"Findable helped us grow our SEO presence and boost organic traffic within days."

— Ben Hofmeyer, Co-Founder

Select a Plan

Choose your own adventure.

A great start for your pSEO journey.

Automated pSEO

All of Findable's time-saving automation tools

One Campaign

Get started with your first pSEO campaign and sync up to 50 pages

pSEO Templates

Organise your data for quick and easy sync


Learn everything you need to get your pSEO strategy up and running

Findable Tools

AI-powered tools to help you make content faster
The most powerful pSEO tool on the web
/per month

Everything in Starter

Easy to set up and run with more room to grow

Unlimited Campaigns

Make your site stand out with unlimited campaigns

Sync 500 Pages

Manage more content and keep it up to date

pSEO Reports

Regular updates on performance in the dashboard and to your inbox

Premium Support

Access to our premium support channels for fast-tracked assistance
The most powerful pSEO tool on the web
/per month

Everything in Starter

Easy to set up and run with more room to grow

Unlimited Campaigns

Make your site stand out with unlimited campaigns

Sync 500 Pages

Manage more content and keep it up to date

pSEO Reports

Regular updates on performance in the dashboard and to your inbox

Premium Support

Access to our premium support channels for fast-tracked assistance
Start your pSEO journey on the right foot

Automated pSEO

All of Findable's time-saving automation tools

One Campaign

Get started with your first pSEO campaign and sync up to 50 pages

Sync 50 Pages

Take a step into pSEO and familiarise yourself with Findable

pSEO Templates

Organise your data for quick and easy sync

Findable Tools

AI-powered tools to help you make content faster
The most powerful pSEO tool on the web

Everything in Starter

Easy to set up and run with more room to grow

Unlimited Campaigns

Make your site stand out with unlimited campaigns

Sync 500 Pages

Manage more content and keep it up to date

pSEO Reports

Regular updates on performance in the dashboard and to your inbox

Premium Support

Access to our premium support channels for fast-tracked assistance
Findable Pro
More pages than you can wave a wand at

Everything in Starter

Easy to set up and run with more room to grow

Unlimited Campaigns

Make your site stand out with unlimited campaigns

Sync 2,000 Pages

Hit the cap on Webflow's CMS plan

pSEO Reports

Regular updates on performance in the dashboard and to your inbox

Premium Support

Access to our premium support channels for fast-tracked assistance
Custom Plan
Need something bespoke?

Need an extra wand?

Concierge Add-On
/per campaign

Full Campaign Setup

From your content to your sync, we'll get it running

Findable made

Built with Findable's templates, making your campaign easy to manage

Not sure which hat fits?

Frequently Asked Quandaries

Find answers to common questions about our plans, payment options, and plan upgrades.

What is pSEO?

Programmatic SEO (pSEO) is a strategy that enables individuals and businesses to quickly deploy lots of unique pages built to rank for a wide range of keywords. Because of the way Findable configures our templates, these pages are also dynamic—as your source database changes, your pages will update as well.

The great advantage of pSEO is that it allows you to target a broad range of long-tail keywords—you cast the net wide and find users searching for all sorts of things. This used to mean hours upon hours writing blogs and developing unique landing pages; pSEO automates this process so you can deploy thousands of pages in next to no time.

Is pSEO a better version of regular SEO?

It’s important to remember that pSEO should only form part of your SEO strategy. It’s magic, sure, but it isn’t a miracle cure for your SEO woes.

A good pSEO strategy is built upon the foundation of solid on-page and technical SEO considerations. It’s also important to do the groundwork identifying keywords worth targeting for your page and to put effort into building authority through backlinks.

If you’d like some support building your SEO strategy and identifying opportunities and areas of improvement, consider signing up for the Concierge add-on.

How does Findable work?

Findable is designed for out-of-the-box implementation. When you sign up, you'll be prompted to duplicate a database template and provide some API keys we need for the sync. Don't worry, we'll step you through how to do each of these steps.

From here, all you need to do is start populating your database with information. These are the pieces that Findable will sync to your site to create the content on each of your programmatic pages. If you need help coming up with this content, consider getting the Concierge add-on to have the Findable wizards do it all for you.

With your content ready to go (or before, if you're eager), start desiging your page template in Webflow. Once the content syncs, each field will be mapped to part of your page design. You'll only need to do this once for the template to apply to however many pages you're trying to deploy.

Once everything is ready to go, just toggle the Publish option on Findable to send it all live.

What is the difference between Findable+ and the free plan?

Findable+ gives you access to a lot more pages and campaigns. This means you can have up to 500 pages actively syncing, as opposed to just 50 on the free plan.

Unlimited campaigns means you can sync as many different templates as you'd like. Note that the 500 page sync limit applies accross all your campaigns—if you need more content, get in touch for custom pricing.

What is the Concierge add-on?

The Concierge add-on gets Findable's pSEO wizards in your corner. We'll conduct a short call to learn more about your goals and then get to work creating your pSEO campaign for you. This means we'll find the data for your site and populate it into your template for you—all you'll need to do is connect the pieces in your Webflow designer and hit Publish when you're ready to go!

Do you support other platforms beside Webflow?

Currently, no. The automations we have are configured for Webflow, however, support for other web builders like Wordpress and Framer is in the works.

Do you offer ongoing support?

Findable is an out-of-the-box solutions designed for you to set up and go. We have an extensive library of tutorials for you to lean on, and our team is on hand if there are any structural issues with the templates.

Of course, pSEO isn't always easy. We've set up a Slack community where you can ask the wizards and other Findable users for help getting things going.

If you'd like more hands-on support from the Findable team, get in touch to learn more about our Concierge add-on.

Can I change plans?

Of course! As the scope of your site changes, you might find your pSEO needs changing with it. Reach out if you'd like to upgrade from our free plan to Findable+, or enquire about custom pricing if you need even more.

Still lost, traveller?

Reach out to one of our pSEO wizards with any quandaries you may have.